Timmertrave.  Foto: Sköld Josefina    Uppsala-Västmanlands distrikt

Swedish Wood Measurement Act

Measurement of wood (timber, pulpwood, wood chips etc.) as a basis for payment must be conducted according to the Swedish Wood Measurement Act (2014:1005) and associated regulations. Some of the key issues of these regulations are summarized in brief below.

Notify your activities once a year

All companies conducting wood measurement in Sweden must give a notification about it to the Swedish Forrest Agency once a year. A digital report form should be sent to the Agency before the 1st of March every year. The form includes contact details to your company and how much wood you measure.

The Swedish Wood Measurement Act applies to measurements made to form the basis for payment to the forest owner. Wood from the whole tree is included such as stem, stump, branches and chips. The law does not apply to industrially processed wood, such as boards and pulp.

For the benefit of both buyer and seller

The purpose of the act is to give both buyer and seller of wood equal information on the amount and quality of wood. A good reliability and transparency of wood measurement is a benefit for both the buyer and seller of wood.

As a competent authority the Swedish Forest Agency, decides on regulations and make inspections.

Example of regulations are:

  • how to conduct measurement and required accuracy of the results.
  • to store results and certain measurement data at least two years.
  • to send a specified measurement receipt to the buyer and the seller of wood.
  • to make self-assessment to ensure that the measurement comply with the Act and regulations.

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact us.

  • Last Updated: 4/21/2022