Baby birds in nest holes in wooden trunks. Foto: Kenneth Johansson

Almost 9 percent of the area of regeneration felling is left as environmental consideration areas

Nyhet | Statistik - 03 December 2024

Just over 9 percent of the regeneration area was left as environmental consideration areas during the felling seasons 2018/2019 – 2020/2021. The average width of the zones left as consideration areas around water was 11 metres and the proportion of the shoreline that lacked a zone with consideration areas was 35 percent. The largest 5 percent of contiguous areas of bare forest land in 2023 were 15 hectares or larger.

Environmental consideration areas

Areas of consideration were left on almost 80 percent of the area of regeneration felling, during the felling seasons 2018/2019 – 2020/2021. The total area of consideration accounts for just over 9 percent of the area of regeneration felling for the entire country. In northern and southern Norrland, the proportion of area of regeneration felling that was left as consideration areas was 11 precent and just over 10 percent respectively and approximately 8 percent in Svealand and Götaland.

Consideration areas around water in regeneration felling

On regeneration fellings with some form of shoreline, protective zones have been left as consideration areas on 65 percent of the total shoreline during the felling seasons 2018/2019 – 2020/2021. The average width of the zones left alongside water was 11 metres. For individual owners, the average width is just under 9 metres and for other owners just under 14 metres.

Size of contiguous bare forest land

The average size of contiguous bare forest land area following regeneration felling was, in 2023 and for the country as a whole, 4.5 hectares, and the median size was 2.5. The 95th percentile (the five percent largest areas of contiguous bare forest land) was 15.1 hectares or larger.

Since 2013 there has been a decrease in the size of contiguous bare forest land area following regeneration felling in the 95 percentile. This trend continued until 2018 when it started to increase again. Neither the mean nor the median show any obvious trends during the period following 2018.


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