Stocks of Roundwood. Foto: Anna Petersson

Low stocks of softwood sawlogs

Nyhet | Statistik - 11 February 2025

The stocks of softwood sawlogs on 31 December were slightly lower than at the turn of last year and significantly lower than the average for the past five years, according to the Swedish Forest Agency's stock survey.

On 31 December 2024, the total number of stocks of softwood sawlogs, pulpwood and pulp chips was 8.3 million cubic meters. This was 13 percent more than at the same time last year, but 2 percent less than the average for the past five years.

  • Coniferous sawlogs 2.8 million cubic meters (-2%)
  • Pulpwood 4.5 million cubic meters (+19%)
  • Pulp chips 1 million cubic meters (+44%)

At year-end, stocks of softwood sawlogs were 2 percent less than at the end of December 2023 and 13 percent less than the average for the same period in 2019-2023. Stocks of softwood sawlogs at this time of year have not been this low since the turn of the year 2017/2018.

Stocks of softwood pulpwood (including spruce pulpwood) amounted to 3.7 million cubic meters, which was 20 percent more than at the end of December 2023 but 4 percent less than the average for the same period in 2019-2023.

Stocks of hardwood pulpwood were 15 percent higher than at the same time in 2023 and amounted to just over 0.8 million cubic meters. Which is 24 percent more than the average for the last five years.

Large regional differences

At year-end, stocks of softwood sawlogs in balance area 3 were 44 percent higher than at the same time in 2023 and 22 percent higher than the average for the past five years. At the same time, stocks of softwood sawlogs in balance area 4 were 18 percent lower than at the end of 2023 and 24 percent lower than the five-year average.

As for stocks of softwood pulpwood, there were increased stocks at the turn of the year in all balance areas except in balance area 2, where stocks were unchanged, compared with the end of December 2023. Compared with the average value at the same time over the past five years, stocks have increased by 20 percent in balance area 4. In balance areas 1 and 2, stocks have decreased.

Stocks of hardwood pulpwood increased in all balance areas except balance area 2, where they decreased by 15 per cent. Stocks of hardwood pulpwood are thus still at historically low levels in balance area 2.

Stocks of roundwood for energy purposes

In 2024, we have also collected data on roundwood stocks for energy purposes on a trial basis. The companies have been asked to state the total volume for the whole country and all storage sites. The response rate has been relatively good. Reported volume at year-end was just over 800,000 cubic meters.

In the case of companies that are not responding, we normally estimate what they should have had in stock. However, we have not done this when it comes to stocks of roundwood for energy purposes because we do not think we have sufficient knowledge about this stock.

We see that reported stock volumes were at their lowest in the spring, increased during the summer and slightly in the autumn, and then increased sharply at the end of the year. Stocks of softwood sawlogs and pulpwood behave differently. These stocks are normally at their highest in the spring, decrease during the summer and autumn and increase again at the end of the year.

We will continue to collect data on roundwood stocks for energy purposes and gather more experience on how these stocks move during the year. 


The cubic meter referred to is m3f ub, solid cubic meter without bark.

Timber balance areas (VBO)

  1. Västernorrland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten and Jämtland counties (excl. Härjedalen municipality)
  2. Stockholm, Uppsala, Gotland, Västmanland, Dalarna and Gävleborg counties and Härjedalen municipality.
  3. Västra Götaland (excl. Ale, Lerum, Vårgårda, Bollebygd, Tranemo, Lilla Edet, Mark, Svenljunga, Herrljunga, Vänersborg, Trollhättan, Alingsås, Borås and Ulricehamn municipalities), Värmland and Örebro counties and Habo and Mullsjö municipalities.
  4. Södermanland, Östergötland, Jönköping (excl. Habo and Mullsjö municipalities), Kronoberg, Kalmar, Blekinge, Skåne and Halland counties and the municipalities of Ale, Lerum, Vårgårda, Bollebygd, Tranemo, Lilla Edet, Mark, Svenljunga, Herrljunga, Vänersborg, Trollhättan, Alingsås, Borås and Ulricehamn).

The statistics are a part of the Official Statistics of Sweden.

You find all results in the Swedish Forest Agency's statistical database.

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