Stocks of Roundwood. Foto: Anna Petersson

Roundwood stocks at the same level as last summer

Nyhet | Statistik - 13 August 2024

On 30 June, wood stocks amounted to 7.9 million cubic metres, according to the Swedish Forest Agency's survey. This is the same low level as last summer.

Roundwood stocks on 30 June 2024 totalled 7.9 million cubic metres, which was the same level as last year. Per assortment, however, the stocks of softwood sawlogs were slightly larger and the stocks of pulpwood slightly smaller:

  • Coniferous sawlogs 2.5 million cubic metres (+8%)
  • Pulpwood 4.5 million cubic metres (-4%)
  • Pulp chips 1 million cubicle (+5%)

Stocks of softwood pulpwood (including spruce pulpwood) amounted to 3.7 million cubic metres, which was about the same as in June 2023 (-1%) but as much as 16 percent less than the average for the same period in 2019-2023.

Stocks of hardwood pulpwood decreased by 17 percent compared to the same time in 2023 and amounted to 0.8 million cubic meters. This, too, was historically low stocks,

Despite the increase compared to last year, stocks of softwood sawlogs were still 7 percent lower than the average for the same period in 2019-2023.


Stocks of softwood sawlogs increased significantly in balance area 3. There, inventories also increased compared to the end of March this year, which is unusual.

Stocks of pulpwood were lower in the northern part of the country, while they increased slightly in balance area 4.


The cubic meter referred to is m3f ub, solid cubic meter without bark.

Timber balance areas (VBO)

  1. Västernorrland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten and Jämtland counties (excl. Härjedalen municipality)
  2. Stockholm, Uppsala, Gotland, Västmanland, Dalarna and Gävleborg counties and Härjedalen municipality.
  3. Västra Götaland (excl. Ale, Lerum, Vårgårda, Bollebygd, Tranemo, Lilla Edet, Mark, Svenljunga, Herrljunga, Vänersborg, Trollhättan, Alingsås, Borås and Ulricehamn municipalities), Värmland and Örebro counties and Habo and Mullsjö municipalities.
  4. Södermanland, Östergötland, Jönköping (excl. Habo and Mullsjö municipalities), Kronoberg, Kalmar, Blekinge, Skåne and Halland counties and the municipalities of Ale, Lerum, Vårgårda, Bollebygd, Tranemo, Lilla Edet, Mark, Svenljunga, Herrljunga, Vänersborg, Trollhättan, Alingsås, Borås and Ulricehamn).

The statistics are a part of the Official Statistics of Sweden.

You find all results in the Swedish Forest Agency's statistical database.

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