Good to know about the statistics
Here we have gathered things that can help you understand and analyze the statistics.
Quality of the statistics
What do the terms mean? Is it possible to compare back in time? What was the response rate? In the quality declarations you will find the answers.
Terms of Use
Under certain conditions, you are free to copy and redistribute all statistics that are available on the statistics pages. This applies to both tables and charts. Here you can see which conditions apply.
Units, Expressions, and Symbols
Here you will find explanations of some common units and concepts used in forestry. Here you can also see what different symbols that we use in our tables mean.
About Sweden's official statistics
The Government has appointed the Swedish Forest Agency to be responsible for the official statistics in the statistical areas of production in forestry, employment in forestry and environmental and social issues in forestry. Here you can read more about what this means in practice.