Jaunkalsnava is a Latvian demo area with the general aim to demonstrate adaption of beaver, buffer and ditch cleaning.
Mean annual temperature: 5,6°C
Growing season 192 days
Annual precipitation: 700 millimetres
Landowner: Latvian State forest
Site description
Kalsnava forest district is located in Vidzeme upland, central part of Latvia. The total area of the district is 7680 hectare, most of it is covered with forest: 52 percent forests on dry mineral soils, 23 percent forests on drained peat soils, 19 percent forests on drained mineral soils, 3 percent forests on wet mineral soils and 3 percent forests on wet peat soils.
The dominant tree species are Scots pine, Norway spruce and birches (Betula pendula and Betula pubescens), total area of stands formed by these species cover more than 80 percent of the district. In a small area black alder and aspen forests are present.
About 7260 hectare of scientific research forests are located in the Kalsnava forest district, managed by the agency “Forest Research Station” of Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava” and Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. The aim of these forests is to provide for scientific research, environmental monitoring, training of students and further education in the area of forest management and environment, and to secure knowledge transfer pertaining to forest management and environment to all interested groups of society. In this area scientific research was launched in the sixties, and it is still ongoing in the fields of forest hydrology, forest management, tree breeding and others, providing long and comprehensive datasets related to forest hydrology and tree growth. Veseta river flows through the Kalsnava forest district (length 26 kilometres), and part of the area is set-aside for nature protection. Veseta floodplain mire (Natura 2000 site) is a diverse system of wetlands, wet forests, meadows and fens.
Conducted work and time plan for future activities
Drainage system renovation was carried out in 2016/2017, following the corresponding regulations. For the WAMBAF project this was an in-kind support activity financed by the Forest Research Station. No water protection structures were established in this case, as these are not required by the legislation in the corresponding conditions. Felling of the forest stand adjacent to the Taurupe stream was carried out in spring 2017, leaving a buffer zone in part of the object. Removal of the beaver dam was performed in the end of summer 2017. Water sampling for general chemistry parameters is carried out once a year since summer 2016.
Installations of Infrastructure
Information boards were installed during the summer 2018.
Future use
Further studies of forest-water interactions and impact of forest management, establishment of new research objects. In case of project prolongation, water sampling will be continued and in the framework of cooperation with the Forest Research Station it is planned to establish two water protection structures (peak flow control and large sedimentation pond with a dam) in a drainage system where maintenance is planned in 2019/2020, and to analyse the efficiency of these structures. Objects will be used for training of forest owners and managers and students of forestry and environmental sciences. WAMBAF demo objects will be further utilized for analysis of mercury processes within the scope of already approved Latvia Academy of Science grant project (2018-2020) and other projects (Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, European Regional Development Fund project competition) that are currently submitted in case of their approval.