Our Drainage Manual will soon be finished
Our work with the drainage manual continues. The final checking is ongoing, and the aim is that the manual will be published in August.
In the drainage manual, technical instructions and materials needed for constructing water protection structures are presented. The structures in question are described in the WAMBAF report “Good practices for ditch network maintenance to protect water quality in the Baltic Sea Region”.
The purpose of these water protection structures is to reduce the transport of suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus to downstream water courses during and after ditch network maintenance on forest land. In addition to the water protection structures, examples of structures used to increase water retention in forest landscape are briefly presented.
In the future climate, extreme weather events causing drought and floods may occur more frequently in the Baltic Sea region. This is expected to increase the need to retain water in the forests.
The manual will hopefully be helpful in the daily work of forest and environment managers, and other stakeholders who are involved in practical ditch network maintenance operations or plan water retention in forests in the Baltic Sea region.