clear cut area with some plants and left trees. Foto: Mostphotos Lars Johansson


Here you will find statistics on harvested areas and volumes in Sweden.

Here you will find statistics on harvested volumes and areas from the Swedish Forest Agency and the National Forest Inventory.

  • 95.0 million forestcubic metres of forest were felled in 2022.
  • 89.6 million forest cubic metres of forest were felled in 2023 (preliminary figure).
  • 88 million forest cubic meters are expected to be felled in 2024.
  • 77.1 million cubic metres (m3fub) were recovered in 2022 for use in the forest industry and for energy purposes (preliminary figure).
  • On average, 243,000 hectares were felled per year during the period 2018-2022.
  • On average, 287,000 hectares were thinned per year during the period 2018–2022.

Felling forecast for 2024

In 2024, we estimate gross felling will amount to 88 million forest cubic meters. We base our assessment on, among other things, an expected decreased production of sawn wood products and an increased net import of roundwood. The felling of coniferous sawlogs is expected to decrease by 4 percent and the felling of pulpwood by 1 percent. Firewood harvesting, on the other hand, is expected to be unchanged. The net import of roundwood is estimated to increase by just over 1 million cubic meters.

Gross felling

According to the Swedish Forest Agency's preliminary statistics, gross felling amounted to 89.6 million forest cubic meters in 2023. Gross felling includes the total volume of wood felled. In 2022, gross felling was 95.0 million forest cubic metres. 

In 2021 and 2022, record fellings were recorded, except for 2005 and 2007, when fellings were very high due to the storms Gudrun and Per. The trend of high felling levels was broken in 2023 with reduced felling. Logging has increased a lot since the early 1950s, when it was between 40 million and 60 million cubic metres of forest cubic metres annually.

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

Breakdown of gross fellings in 2023 by part of the country:

  • Norra Norrland 11 million cubic meters
  • Södra Norrland 20 million cubic meters
  • Svealand 28 million cubic meters
  • Götaland 31 million cubic meters

Gross felling by type of cutting

During the period 2018–2022, final felling accounted for 68 percent and thinning for 22 percent of gross felling. The remainder consisted of pre-commercial thinning, felling of seed trees and stands.

The average annual felling volume during the period 2018–2022 was 264 forest cubic metres per hectare in final felling and 72 forest cubic metres per hectare in thinning. Average felling per hectare has increased since the mid-1980s, especially in final felling.

All land use classes excluding urban land. Including alpine areas from 2017. Outside formally protected areas (-2002). Including formally protected areas (2003-). Five year average, represented by the middle year for example 2017/18-2021/22=2019. Year represents the start of a felling season . 2021 represents the period from bud opening 2021 to bud opening 2022.

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

Outside formally protected areas based on the most current boundaries. Five year average, represented by the middle year for example 2018/19-2022/23=2020. Year represents the start of a felling season for example 2022 represents the period from bud opening 2022 to bud opening 2023.

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

Gross felling by tree species

The felling volume consisted of just over half spruce, one-third pine and the rest deciduous trees. But there are major regional differences. In Götaland, the proportion of spruce was 73 percent and the proportion of pine 15 percent during the period 2018-2022. In Northern Norrland, spruce accounted for 30 percent and pine for 61 percent of the harvested volume. The distribution of felling by tree species has remained fairly unchanged for the country as a whole since the beginning of the 2000s.

All land use classes excluding urban areas. Including alpine areas (2017-). Outside formally protected areas (-2002). Including formally protected areas (2003-). Five year average, represented by the middle year for example 2018/19-2022/23=2020. Year represents the start of a felling season for example 2022 represents the period from bud opening 2022 to bud opening 2023.

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

Net felling

Net felling in 2023 amounted to 72.2 million solid cubic meters under bark (m3fub). Net felling is the harvested volume of all tree trunks which are fully or partially recovered. Just under one-half of the net fellings consisted of sawlogs of conifers, 44 percent of pulpwood and 8 percent of firewood.

In comparison with 2022, we estimate that felling of coniferous sawlogs has decreased by 10 percent and felling of pulpwood decreased by 2 percent while  felling of firewood was unchanged.

Total net and gross fellings in the unit m3sk (standing volume) have been revised from year 2000 due to revised conversion factor.

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

Trade in roundwood

According to statistics from Statistics Sweden, just under 2 percent of the Swedish harvesting in 2023 was exported. Exports of roundwood decreased in 2023, from 2.0 million m3fub in 2022 to preliminary 1.3 million m3fub in 2023.

Preliminary imports of roundwood amounted to 7.3 million m3fub in 2023, which is about 0.8 million m3fub more than in the previous year.

Harvested area

On average, 243,000 hectares were felled and 287,000 hectares thinned per year during the period 2018–2022. Compared to the period 2017–2021, the final harvested area has decreased by 3 percent and the thinned area has decreased by 1 percent.

This means that 1.1 percent of the total productive forest land was felled and 1.3 percent thinned annually during the period 2017-2021. The area refers to productive forest land excluding formally protected forest land.

Average felling area

The average final felling for fellings larger than 0.5 hectares in 2022 was 3.6 hectares.

Size of final fellings by part of the country:

  • Northern Norrland 5.6 hectares
  • Southern Norrland 4.7 hectares
  • Svealand 3.5 hectares
  • Götaland 2.5 hectares

Size of final fellings by owner category:

  • Individual forest owners 3.0 hectares
  • Other forest owners 4.9 hectares

Outside formally protected areas based on the most current boundaries. Five year average, represented by the middle year for example 2017/18-2021/22=2019. Year represents the start of a felling season for example 2021 represents the period from bud opening 2021 to bud opening 2022.

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

Year refers to felling season (2021=felling season 2021/2022).

Harvesting of branches and tops

The harvesting of branches and tops for energy purposes on the final felled area was carried out on average on 81,000 hectares per year during the period 2018–2022. This corresponds to approximately 33 percent of the total harvested area. The final harvested area with harvesting of branches and tops decreased until 2015 and has since increased again.

Harvesting och branches and tops during final felling is significantly more common in Götaland and Svealand than in Norrland. In Götaland, during the period 2018–2022, branches and tops was extracted on 64 percent of the final felled area and in Svealand on 44 percent of the area. In Southern Norrland and Northern Norrland, the corresponding proportions were 19 and 7 percent, respectively.

  • Last Updated: 9/26/2024