Facts about the roundwood statistics
Here we provide some more details on how the statistics on roundwood prices are made.
How the statistics are made
The base of the statistics is measured quantities and prices of roundwood of delivery timber in Biometrias so called Viol-system. In the system all measurements are gathered and processed. Biometria calculates a price for the quantity of roundwood measured using pricelists reported by the companies.
The selection criteria for these statistics are:
- Only the original purchase is conducted, i.e. the transaction between forest owners and initial purchaser.
- Only prices of delivery timber are included, which represent less than 10 percent of total volume.
- All quality classes are included, with the exception of refused logs.
- The stated quantities are based on measurement at industry. Among the methods used are measurement of individual logs, measurement of stacked logs and random sampling.
- The figures on prices refer to the basic price including additions and deductions.
- From 2015 only purchases above 100 SEK/m3s ub are included.
- LKF-code (county/municipality/parish) are used to sort the purchases by regions.
- The survey relies on a specific choice of assortments and calculations by those.
Biometria processes the base of the statistics according to a specification from the Swedish Forest Agency. In cases when companies themselves calculates the prices, these are gathered by Swedish Forest Agency. Using these sources, the calculations on average prices are made by weighting the timber value by volume.
These prices refer to current prices, which do not take inflation into account.
The statistics are shown for a level of detail which its assumed to be good enough to be a part of Official Statistics of Sweden. The reliability of the statistics is affected by various kinds of errors such as coverage errors, omission errors, measurement errors and processing errors.
Geographical regions
- Norra Norrland: Norrbottens och Västerbottens counties.
- Södra Norrland: Jämtlands, Västernorrlands och Gävleborg counties.
- Svealand: Stockholms, Uppsala, Södermanlands, Värmlands, Örebro, Västmanlands och Dalarnas counties.
- Götaland: Östergötlands, Jönköpings, Kronobergs, Kalmar, Gotlands, Blekinge, Skåne, Hallands och Västra Götalands counties.
Delivery timber is a method which means that the forest owner themselves, with or without the help of employees or contractors, deliver their wood to the roadside. Delivery purchases account for less than 10 percent of the total sold quantity.
The unit m3s ub refers to cubic meters solid volume under bark.