Stocks of Roundwood. Foto: Anna Petersson

Stocks of softwood sawlogs, pulpwood and pulpchips

Here you will find statistics on stocks of roundwood and pulp chips on four occasions per year.

The statistics are based on survey responses on wood volumes in stock at the forest industry, in timber terminals and by road. All pulp mills and the largest forest companies, purchasing companies and sawmills are included in the survey.

The statistics refer to stocks on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December respectively.

Stocks of wood raw material

On 31 December 2024, the total number of stocks of softwood sawlogs, pulpwood and pulp chips was 8.3 million cubic meters. This was 13 percent more than at the same time last year, but 2 percent less than the average for the past five years.

  • Coniferous sawlogs 2.8 million cubic meters (-2%)
  • Pulpwood 4.5 million cubic meters (+19%)
  • Pulp chips 1 million cubic meters (+44%)

In 2024, we have also collected data on roundwood stocks for energy purposes on a trial basis. The companies have been asked to state the total volume for the whole country and all storage sites. Reported volume at year-end was just over 800,000 cubic meters.

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

Figure 2 shows timber stocks of over 20 million m3 in the early 1970s. Since then, stock volumes, especially for pulpwood, have decreased a lot. This is said except for the years 2005 to 2007 when storms Gudrun and Per brought unusually large timber stocks.

Apart from the storm years, we can see a small increase in stocks, from about 6 million m3 to in the beginning of 2010 and between 7 and 10 million m3 in recent years.

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

Stocks of pulpwood by assortment

31 December 2024, pulpwood stocks consisted of:

  • 3.7 million m3 softwood pulpwood
  • 0.8 million m3 hardwood pulpwood

Figure 3 shows that softwood pulpwood accounts for most pulpwood stocks. During the end of the 10th century, stocks of softwood pulpwood increased and amounted to a maximum of just over 4 million m3.  Note that from 2023 are spruce pulpwood included in softwood pulpwood.

From 2023 spruce pulpwood is included in softwood pulpwood

Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden
Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden
Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden
  • Last Updated: 5/2/2023